IP Training

Bespoke IP training to suit
your needs

Bespoke IP training to suit your needs

We can offer tailored IP training, in any format that suits your needs and to groups of any size. Our CEO, Vicki Strachan, is a qualified teacher and spent some years as the curriculum leader of the engineering department of Gloucestershire College. Before and since then, she has designed and delivered many different types of IP training sessions including lectures, seminars and workshops, as well as more informal training sessions, for a wide variety of learners working in various different sectors.


We are committed to delivering high quality, carefully designed, jargonless sessions and accompanying resources that are tailored to your business and your particular needs. We make learning about IP as painless as possible.


See below for some examples of the training we offer.

IP Training

Are you an accountant or tax adviser advising clients on Patent Box tax relief?

Would you like to be able to help your clients to identify areas of their business where there may be scope to secure patent protection, even for a small part, so that they can claim Patent Box tax relief?  We can offer you and your team a tailored seminar or workshop providing tips and case studies and offering plenty of opportunity for more specific questions to both help your clients, and offer additional value to your own service.

Are you a design or engineering manager of a team that creates IP?

Would you and your team benefit from having a better understanding of IP? For example, would you like to know about:

  • What types of things are patentable
  • At what point in the R&D process a patent application could and/or should be filed
  • What documents and resources might be needed to enable your patent attorney to draft a patent specification
  • When registered design protection is more appropriate and what is required
  • What unregistered rights are
  • What your responsibilities might be to ensure that they are protected and preserved


All of these aspects and more can be worked into a tailored training session for groups of any size, either in person or remotely, to best suit your particular needs.

Are you a company director or other decision-decision maker trying to juggle IP management with all of the other responsibilities of your role?

Are you becoming concerned about escalating costs without clearly understanding what, if any, the associated value is? Would you (and your team or colleagues) benefit from a better understanding of an of the following areas:

  • What is patentable
  • The patent process generally
  • How to think about overseas protection more strategically so that more territories can be covered for less
  • How to effectively manage an IP portfolio to include an element of predictability to help with forecasting and budgeting

We can offer tailored training sessions to address these issues and more, to help you to take firmer control of your company’s IP strategy.

Whatever your IP training needs, we can design and deliver a tailored session (or series of sessions) to suit you.  Contact us for a free initial consultation to discuss how we can help your business make the most of IP.